Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What does WinkWink PlayPlay mean?

We had someone ask us the other day “What does WinkWink mean or PlayPlay for that matter” so since this wasn’t the first time we have been asked we thought why not just put it out there. We have been in the Swinglifestyle for a while and like any thing in life there a jargon develops.
The name of the site wasn’t created overnight. We thought about what we wanted it to say, be, the feel of it. Did we want it to be in your face sex or classy and playful. I mean we could have gone with something like sex personals, swinger’s connection, friends with benefits, or a million other things. Yet those really didn’t seem to fit. We stripped away all of the garbage that comes to mind first and decided to look at Swinging and the online dating with fresh eyes. First you flirt with someone, a playful tease, a sexual innuendo; you let them know you are interested… The first site we ever went on used to have this thing called winks now they call it flirts I think and this is what you did to let someone know you are interested. Second comes the fun part well not really second more of the conclusion. After you email, chat or meet and everyone hits it off well you guessed it sex. Now this is where the jargon comes in cause almost every couple or single we have ever meet says “let’s play.” This seems to be the universal code word for sex… Sure there have been those that say Let F**k or something along those lines other still will say let have some fun. It is all the same thing but play has the fun aspect to it. The let’s enjoy ourselves thought behind it. Wait a second I just reread what I just typed and no everyone who meets us says doesn’t say let’s play but for the sake of this blog everyone the ones we have played with said it.
Ok so what is up with the repeating of words? That comes for two different places the first one being Monty Python. Yes really… they use to do this thing with two guys in a bar talking one asking about the others wife. Saying stuff like “does she take the pixs you know nudge nudge wink wink” and “does she dress up nudge nudge wink wink”. It’s the hint of something more something taboo. Then the second reference came from a comedian called Eddie Izzard. He did this routine about asking someone to coffee means let’s have sex. And again he doubled the words coffee coffee… See the doubling of the words gives it that sexual playful meaning. Now we couldn’t have called the site winkwinkcoffeecoffee everyone would have gone WTF. So we thought what do we and or others in the Swingerlifestyle call it. Hello Play…
That is how we put the words together winkwinkplayplay. The first one being the flirtatious desire, the innuendo, the let’s get to know each other. The second one being the classy yet playful way of saying let’s get to know each other and have sex. A way of saying what the site is about without being crude or in your face about it. Something that others in the Swinglifestyle would understand. It is about having fun and enjoying yourself.

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